7 Best Article Writing Services for Your Business

By WFHR Editor

Finding a good site that offers article writing services or for regular digital content production can seem harder than it needs to be at times.

A lot of services offer everything from ghostwriter book services to search engine optimization (SEO) services and everything in between, but when one starts digging into them the quality comes down to the writers who actually do the work.

Just type in writing services in a Google search, and you’re likely to get every service under the sun for college essay writing, but what you really need is someone who can write good content for marketing on your blog every day.

So, part of finding the best writing services available involves a bit of sleuthing, and part of it tends to be how you query search engines on finding the right company for your needs as well.

Before we go further on this article, here are some points too if you’re looking for a sole copywriter. Now let’s discover the best writing services out there.

Even the Best Article Writing Services are Influenced by Writers

The other challenge is the natural writing style of the providers you work with. Some are good at SEO but horrible at research.

Some are good at short article content but can’t always produce good sales copy. Writers are varied as individuals, but they are often lumped together into categories of specialties by the services that sell their work to you.

So, you have to take the time to find the right gem within a service as well. The better service providers try to vet and filter higher quality for you ahead of time, retaining writers who have proven themselves over time with multiple clients.

These make up the opportunities you want to look for because they are seasoned writers who have an understanding of how to deliver what you want in content, not necessarily how they want to write a topic themselves. Here are some of the standout services that really put together good product delivery in the writing arena.

Best Content Writing Services Overall

Companies in this category needed to achieve an overall high reputation across all digital content writing services versus specialization alone.

Companies were rated both on industry reputation as well as their overall review scoring in public forums and opinion references as the best article writing services.

Companies were also rated on the choices given to customers in terms of service aspects and how they felt about the best place to hire writers for content.


WriterAccess Homepage

As a general writing service covering multiple service product types, WriterAccess spreads itself broadly and does so with the help of a dedicated freelance writer pool. In this respect, it can qualify for the label of a content farm.

The company’s dedicated staff team is small, acting more as coordinators, but they engage regularly with customer service as well as writer support on technical issues, maintaining writing quality, and personally directing topics and jobs to writers known for expertise in specific topic areas and writing levels.

The company site is heavily branded and organized in a specific theme of content development, but in practice, WriterAccess covers just every genre of writing needed online.

Their services range from legal writing to SEO development to social media posting to article writing services, and the company is trying to make inroads in strategy development as well as design and translation services as well.

All of the writers available in WriterAccess are tested and vetted, and they must maintain an audited quality level on a regular basis.

The quality validation is fairly strict; writers who appear to keep having repeat issues get put on a warning system and ultimately filtered out as they drop in access from higher-value job levels to lower ones and then eventually out of the system if continuing to produce subpar content.

Customers are able to utilize multiple channels for choosing writers. There is a standard job post channel that any writer can pick up. Customers can also create a limited pool of just writers they like called love lists.

And finally, customers can pick specific writers for their work without any risk of dealing with anyone else on their jobs.  Pricing is determined by content size as well as quality level.

The company also utilizes an automated matching system to suggest writers that best match the profile of a customer’s input for wants, topics, and quality level.

Writers are dedicated to unlimited revisions, and the site relies heavily on dashboards for navigation and project status, both for the customer and writers. The site also provides direct-publishing tools for those with sites on Hubspot or WordPress.

Overall, WriterAccess does its job well and better than many of the other players in the field given how much it has to cover. Where WriterAccess scores lower are in writing specialization.

Pros of WriterAccess

  • Multiple genres covered in one place
  • Heavy vetting of writers and quality
  • Can choose a dedicated writer or many
  • Multiple quality and price levels
  • Easy options for bulk and smaller batch jobs
  • Unlimited revisions
  • Automated topic matching to writers
  • Copyscape testing
  • Easy navigation

Cons of WriterAccess

  • The communication system is a bit awkward to use
  • The job description fields don’t always convey tasks well
  • Heavy freelance use, no dedicated staff writers
  • Requires a subscription


See Related: WriterAccess Reveiws

Content Development Pros

Content Development Pros

Another name in the generalist field, Content Development Pros also tends to fall into the presentation approach of a domain service trying to offer everything. The provider covers all the big digital basics from web copy to blogs to articles to web design to SEO and books.

A key focus is on original content as well as plenty of opportunity for editing and revisions if needed. They are heavy on services for web page development as well as manuals and ebooks.

The company has a high reputation for turning around article-size writing fast. Customers do need to be specific on what they want as that becomes the baseline criteria for each order.

The task direction process is fairly straightforward, giving customers an easy option for short-length or long-length specifications.

All material sold is the client’s property with no lingering license rights or copyright complications. Quality level is chosen by a simple star system and costs are based on content size, quality level, and scope of the job in total. Clients can also submit bulk orders as well as recurring tasks.

In summary, the company gets high ratings, but it’s not going to be where one goes for best article writing services on critical white papers or technical projects.

Pros of Content Development Pros

  • Wide range of content services
  • Unlimited editing and revision
  • Ghostwriting default
  • Multiple order and price levels for all types of budgets
  • Choices between small batches or subscription services
  • Fast order delivery

Cons of Content Development Pros

  • Doesn’t do so well with complex projects or items needing heavy research and technical expertise.

Best SEO Content Writing

Sites were examined based on their service offering, presentation, and independent review through industry and public forums.

This compilation of ratings was then prioritized from those companies or individual players that really stood out as the best choice for a consumer or business to work with for SEO and search engine ranking improvement and hire SEO content writers.

SEO ButlerSEOButler

When it comes to a provider that specializes in SEO production, you want a service that already carries a lot of the heavy load for you with regards to marrying up the analytics to the word choices. Gone are the days when one could just plug a web page full of tags and that was enough for search engines.

Now, SEO has to be content-related, natural and relevant to what a person is looking for. SEO Butler’s services focus on taking content for all types of channels and polishing them to an SEO level that boosts conversion rates and call-to-action results.

The task ordering process on the site is straightforward and categorized. Based on the type of content you want to be optimized, the service provides writing material to fit. They will tailor SEO writing to blogs, guides, articles, white papers, and more.

They also include a unique SEO auditing tool to measure and see the results of tag injection and how it works with the content delivered. The charges are priced per word, so obviously the larger the content the bigger the price.

However, there is variation between the types of writing delivered, depending on the technicalities involved. Performance-wise SEO Butler has a strong reputation for timely delivery, quality product, and efficient repeat production.

Plus, customers get benefits added on when their order exceeds minimum thresholds for discounts as well as for bulk orders. No surprise it’s a gem for the best article writing services for SEO.

Pros of SEO Butler

  • Vetted content targeted for SEO usage
  • Native English writers
  • Lots of content choices
  • Discounts for bulk orders and larger orders
  • SEO Auditing tools
  • Good customer experience

Cons of SEO Butler

  • Not so good with non-SEO writing
  • Can be undercut by competition for the same services

Best Content Marketing

The best article writing services in marketing were chosen specifically for their orientation on marketing content versus general writing. That requires a combination of services from sales copy to SEO to brand awareness development.

Those companies that clearly packaged these components and similar stood out.

The prioritized group were then rated on reviews in both industry forums as well as public forms for their performance and perceived quality delivery.



Verblio operates as a classic content farm, utilizing the combined efforts of 3,000 plus freelancers to produce many of its orders and services.

Geared specifically to marketing content versus general writing, Verblio puts itself out as a content marketing specialist provider able to authoritatively produce quality for all types of industries.

Part of the issue with marketing content is that it needs to be oriented to sell and develop brand awareness. Lots of writers can write articles or papers or social media.

Not all want to be salespeople at the same time, providing both good content and sales copy in the same product. Verblio refines this writer channel specifically to those efficient at marketing writing.

Verblio does offer multiple channels of products ranging from blog posting to books to product listings. They even provide video scripts and textual content for video messaging.

However, Verblio also tries to layer their services, adding on a premium provision above their basic writing product.

If a customer chooses the premium service, he or she should be essentially hiring on Verblio to start working as their marketing department with content strategy, development, and SEO support.

Because they use a dashboard navigational approach, Verblio’s complexity tends to be simplified within intuitive site visualizations.

Unlike some services that assign the work to a stable of writers who may or may not know competently how to write in a specific genre, Verblio instead lets qualified writers choose which jobs and topics they want to take on.

The model seems to work for the company’s performance. Jobs don’t sit for very long, but this approach does match up topics and work assigned better to those who are experienced in successfully producing the desired marketing content ordered.

Pros of Verblio

  • Consistent high-quality product
  • U.S. based writers
  • Multiple channels for marketing content
  • Video content support
  • Premium services for outsourced marketing support and SEO support

Cons of Verblio

  • Not working with the same writer again and again

Human Proof Designs

Human Proof Designs

As a company that has a primary focus on affiliate website construction, Human Proof Designs provides customers a comprehensive content development service.

However, the company also has a foothold in content marketing through blogs as well. Human Proof Designs does offer multiple market product channels ranging from storyboard video creation to articles and books.

They also split their services apart between basic content development and dedicated SEO production, as well as link building and publishing.

The difference between Human Proof Designs and other providers is that they generally limit their services to a package delivery which some people like and others find limited.

So even if one just wants marketing articles, the customer is buying them as a package order, at which point various services are chosen from that one might want to apply as add-ons.

Customers are expected to have a schedule of delivery in mind, and the content is developed by dedicated in-house writers versus a freelance pool.

Most accounts opt for a subscription service approach, and then article topics are changed or updated as the customer continues with Human Proof Designs.

Pros of Human Proof Designs

  • Multiple marketing channels addressed
  • SEO content development
  • Video storyboarding in addition to writing
  • Efficient, quick delivery

Cons of Human Proof Designs

  • Bulk purchasing or subscription are the main purchase methods
  • Requires more customer commitment to the service

Influence & Co.

Influence & Co.

Positioning itself as an expert in knowledge identification, research and management, Influence & Co. gears itself as a premium expert for content marketing as well as brand development via writing and messaging.

This style of service direction is far similar to a traditional marketing consulting firm service than many online marketing content developers usually take.

Influence & Co. advertises itself clearly as a strategy developer for marketing content versus the inherently lower level of content farms, and it hints repeatedly at a matching software system designed to incorporate digital marketing automation benefits as well.

The primary placement of Influence & Co. products tend to be in press releases and press relation venues, with much of the content developed geared towards inbound marketing and brand identification, particularly in established markets.

Their work product is managed and primarily developed with in-house staff, and Influence & Co. have seen rapid growth with their overall business tack.

Pros of Influence & Co.

  • Marketing content development
  • Specialization on press relations
  • Automation content delivery projects
  • Technical SEO and keyword audits
  • Consulting
  • Lead generation

Cons of Influence & Co.

  • Oriented more as a business-to-business provider
  • No specifics services for general transactional content
    • Likes to go overboard in service level addressing many content demands
  • Packaged services only

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The company was started primarily as a service provider for the journalism market.

The idea was to deliver journalistic writing at cost for customers that would continue the writing genre but adapt to the digital demands of outsourcing content development for journalism customers versus the traditional in-house writer approach of old.

However, Contently realized very quickly the market for content development was a lot bigger than journalism accounts.

Since that time the company has grown well over 70 in-house staff as well a sizable investment. Contently also relies on a stable of freelance writers for bulk content generation.

A unique advantage of Contently is that it matches tracking software to the company’s content material delivered.

This makes it possible for customers to see what’s going on with material after it goes into production and whether it’s really delivering on its marketing benefits advertised.

Contently packages its services as a content marketing solution, including a triple approach to data-driven content generation, enterprise-friendly management, and premium writer skillsets.

Because the company also allows freelance writers to develop portfolios within its environment for customers to review, Contently has become attractive for professional journalists and corporate writers who regularly take on contract work as well.

Pros of Contently

  • Content tracking by proprietary software customers can access
  • Professional and journalist writer access
  • Dedicated staffing resources
  • Contract or ongoing service choices

Cons of Contently

  • Seems conflicted between journalism and marketing trying to serve both
  • Heavy on large corporate affiliation, little mention on services for small businesses

See Related: Contena Reviews

Best SEO Blog Writing Services

Companies in this category were rated primarily on their dedication to blog support and blog writing services.

Those that stood as the best article writing services in blogging were prioritized as the providers that had the best reviews among users and bloggers in public forums, and represented the best picks where to hire content writers for your blog.

The HothThe HOTH

With a specialization in blog enhancement, The Hoth brutes its way through blog challenges with not just content creation but SEO enhancement of the same content as well. It allows clients to “automate” blog marketing, giving customers the ability to enjoy the benefits of a supported blog without having to dedicate internal staff to the task on a regular basis.

The Hoth also provides web content creation as well, but the primary ingredient of blog articles and postings are the service’s bread and butter.

All content is professionalized and developed with SEO scoring in mind.

While writers associated with The Hoth have different backgrounds, the content produced is always matched to what the customer expects for his or her industry versus generic stuffing and one-size-fits all boilerplate writing.

The Hoth also puts a lot of attention on writing that can be used for sales copy or call-to-action placement as well versus general reading.

Even better, every piece is provided with a related image or stock photo so that final produce addresses multi-media attraction versus just straight reading.

Performance-wise the company gets a lot of ratings right with some issues that don’t work for everyone.

Pros of The Hoth

  • High quality writing geared to blogs
  • SEO support
  • Continued editing support
  • HTML ready product delivery
  • Images added one to each article produced
  • Allow outsourcing of blog support

Cons of The Hoth

  • Focused primary on blog writing services

Content CucumberContent Cucumber

The company has an odd name, but that seems to be normal in the digital world. It’s a bit catchy and goes with the green color theme across Content Cucumber’s home site page.

Developing a strong reputation for blog support, website content and landing page material, Content Cucumber takes a flat subscription service per month commitment, and then customers essentially order what they need.

Each account is given a dedicated writer depending on their overall demand, which gives continuity and stability in communications and content development progress.

The service outputs daily, so customers see steady content production, which works extremely well for blogs and content demands that need to be updated on a frequent basis.

Content provided can include stock images, and customers have open edit options or revisions if wanted.

In short, Content Cucumber works more like a temp worker agency in the blog and article world than as a content provider. The company connects a steady worker with a client needing daily work production, allowing easy outsourcing of content production versus training someone in-house.

One of the nice added benefits is a 14-day trial period for new customers where a full refund is provided if things aren’t working well after two weeks.

Overall, if one wants dedicated writing support, Content Cucumber scores points.

Pros of Content Cucumber

  • Steady daily work from a dedicate writer
  • Great resources for dedicated outsourced content support
  • A valuable refund benefit to try the service
  • Unlimited editing and revisions
  • Cost-competitive to hiring an in-house writer

Cons of Content Cucumber

  • No transactional ordering, subscription only
  • No options for small batch work

You may also hire a good press release writer to help you with your business.

Hire WritersHireWriters

Another service among the classic content farm industry, Hire Writers boasts 30,000 writers with a native English background to boot.

The company is very much geared like some of the domain hosting services with multiple packages for just about everything a client wants in blogging.

They also cover a number of other writing genres as well. Hire Writers is particularly well-suited for blog support because the pricing and writer choice matches varied blog needs and infrequent posting far better.

Hire Writers generally has writers who can cover all types of blog needs from translation to articles to poetry to social media posting.

Just exploring the site has no cost nor any sign up requirement. A prospective customer can easily just sign on and see how each of the services work and how orders would be generated from different writer levels. And the service cost level basically fits just about any budget as well.

In terms of job size handling and bulk support the company delivers, but in terms of detail quality it can be lagging.

So the performance is mixed.

Pros of Hire Writers

  • Takes a Wal-Mart approach to blog writing, anything for anyone
  • Free ability to enter the site and tour around
  • Multiple skill levels and price points
  • Lots of different skillsets available
  • Large size freelance writer pool

Cons of Hire Writers

  • Not much in the way of dedicated premium services
  • Everything is a plasterboard of packaged one-off products
  • No dedicated writers
  • Not known for high quality production

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