4 Ways to Get Paid to Stay in a Haunted House

WFHR EditorWFHR Editor
11 min read
spooky mansion in the woods

Are you a fan of real-life horror or even Halloween? Whether you still adorn your Halloween costume or you are a staunch fan at heart, there is a lucrative opportunity for you to get paid to stay in a haunted house. 

There are haunted houses where people are more than willing to part with good money for anyone who can overcome any frightening challenges they throw their way.

You get paid to be scared to death if you make it through the house.

History of Haunted Houses of America

In America, the first haunted houses started popping up during the Great Depression. They were mainly Halloween-themed. These were started as deterrence for young kids who, in the spirit of Halloween, went around damaging property, harassing strangers, and vandalizing.

They were set up in the basement, where a group of parents would come together to decorate and hold parties for the tricksters.

It wasn’t until Disney created one of their own in 1969 (Haunted Mansion) that these haunted houses became cultural icons. The Haunted Mansion became a tremendous success, with over 82,000 visitors shortly after its opening.

This success motivated people like Jerry Falwell and Liberty University -two evangelical Christians, to come up with their own attractions which were anti-Halloween and were called the “Hell Houses”. 

However, it wasn’t until Hollywood started making movies such as A Nightmare on Elm Street and Halloween that the haunted house industry got a lot more demand.

In present times, the haunted house industry has expanded and incorporated much more realistic and scarier props. There are also escape games and traumatic experiences–some are so scary that instead of paying for entrance, you get paid to get through the haunted house.

Some houses are haunted by ghosts of people who either committed suicide or were murdered in them. These are reserved for the serious freak fans who don’t mind clashing with the supernatural for a night.

How to get paid to stay in a haunted house

Whether you are an adrenaline junkie or just looking to put yourself to the test and make some money in the process, staying in a haunted house can be the perfect opportunity for you.

Since it became a big industry that operates all year round, the owners of these houses go the extra mile to terrify you. With the improvement of props that look like real-life people and costumed actors, these places are not for the faint of the heart. For those of you who can stand a long fright night, here are some ways that you can make money out of it:

1. Running a Haunted House

One of the best ways to make money from staying in a haunted house is to run one as a business. Across the globe, the business of scaring people has grown gradually–not even the pandemic halted it.

If you are looking to get in on the action, there are several things that you will need to focus on if you are to make good money. Finding a house that is actually haunted by the paranormal will give you an edge in the market.

However, if you have to create the haunt from scratch, you must first find a house that fits the profile. Look for a rundown building located somewhere isolated or at least far from the nearest neighbor.

Do proper market research and ensure that you have all the legal requirements before you start your business. You also need to adhere to the fire department regulations to keep your guests safe in case of an accident.

Finally, develop a theme or story that balances scaring and entertaining your guests.

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2. Paranormal Investigator

Working as a paranormal investigator is another way to get paid to stay in a haunted house. People are generally skeptical of things that they can’t “see,” such as ghouls, creating a gap in the market for ghost hunters.

To be an effective ghost hunter, you need to have patience above all else. Unlike in movies where ghosts are detected fast and communicate with ease, ghost hunters claim that this isn’t always the case in real life.

This job can be a slow way of making money–first, you must invest in high-tech equipment for searching and detecting paranormals. Though most people who call for your help won’t pay you, you can make money by being smart about it.

Organizing public events in houses you find haunted is one way of making money; you could also start a YouTube channel where you post all your findings to grow a following that will eventually become a source of income.

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3. Get Paid to Spend the Night in a Haunted House

Are you gutsy enough to spend a night in a haunted house? If so, you could make some good money staying in haunted houses. This has become a great side hustle, especially for guys who are into the paranormal and don’t mind being scared to death.

There is a house in Tennessee where you could make a cool $20,000 if you make it through the night. Adhere to the guidelines provided by the home’s owner–so far, no one has made it through to claim the prize money.

Before you can venture into this terror tour, you first need to prove that you are healthy and sober. You also need to sign a waiver and have medical insurance before you are allowed to stay in this haunted house.

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4. Playing the Role of a Scare Actor

scare actor at work

Although all haunted houses are designed using props, costumed actors are always present to keep things lively.

Even in a setup like this, you still need to be professional and enthusiastic about your job if you are to do it properly. Being aware of what is happening around you is an exceptional skill since you might be in dark or dimly lit places most of the time.

Awareness will come in handy when scaring people who you can barely see. Thinking quickly on your feet will also make your performance great and believable by the people you are trying to scare.

Another way of getting paid is by working as a scare actor. This simply means you get dressed in scary costumes and give the visitors the best scare.

Because of the demands of this job, you need to walk, crouch, and stand for long periods in hot, damp, and even rainy weather.  

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Which Haunted House Can You Apply to?

Now that you know how to make money staying in a haunted house, let’s check out some of the most popular ones you could work with.

Though there are many, we will only review four of them to give you a rough idea of what you’ll be working with.

Come on now, let’s get to it!

McKamey Manor, Tennessee

McKamey Manor

The McKameys Manor is one of the highest-paying haunted houses, with a cash reward of $20,000, and probably one of the scariest places to spend the night.

This spooky attraction is the brainchild of Russ McKamey. It was built in San Diego in 2001, and then moved to Summertown, Tennessee after they let him go from the advocate job he got after leaving the Navy in the late 1980s. 

To gain entrance into this house of horrors, all you need for payment is a bag of dog food for the owners’ five dogs. You also need to be in good health (physically and mentally), sign a 40-page waiver, pass a background check and drug test, and have medical insurance.  

After that, it’s time for you to wait in line, for there are thousands of visitors waiting for their turn to win the $20,000. The spooky tour would take about 10 hours to complete–though no one has ever completed it.

Mainly because of the hardships and frightful scenarios that include being force-fed, buried in mud or tight spaces, blindfolded, exposed to cockroaches, subjected to a feeling of being drowned, intense audio, and damp conditions, among other freaky tests.

They videotape the entire experience to ensure the safety of both the participants and the haunted house owner.

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Netherworld Stone Mountain, Atlanta

Netherworld Haunted house

The Netherworld haunted house has been in business since 1997, and it has grown to include haunts, a monster museum (house of creeps), laser tag (Netherworld Laser Adventures), and escape rooms (Escape the Netherworld).

Armstrong and Billy Messina found it after a client they’d been designing haunts for failed to open the show for one year. With their experience in the field and Armstrong’s understanding of the psychology of spookiness, they could start and grow their business quickly.

It’s among the top scariest haunted houses in America, where horror lovers can enjoy the spooky Rise of the Netherspawn attraction.

Visitors will walk through a dark, fearsome labyrinth filled with special effects, live actors, and monsters. If you want to make money this Halloween, working as a live actor is a great way to go.

Though the Netherworld Laser tag adventures and the Escape room are open on weekends all year round, the Haunted House is only open for Halloween. They aim to balance Halloween and Horror factors to ensure you still have fun, even when you are screaming your guts out.

Erebus Haunted House

Guests queuing outside the Erebus Haunted House Attraction

The Erebus Haunted attraction is one of the longest in the world. Visitors can experience up to half a mile of terror in downtown Pontiac, Michigan, in a four-story house that used to be a parking garage.

Edward and Jim Terebus started this scary attraction in 2000, and it’s only open during fall. Erebus maintains its key themes to keep things interesting but changes its events and basic effects.

It’s a great place to visit with your friends for blood-curdling screams, laughter, and terrifying thrills throughout the attraction. For the length of its attraction, it made it into the Guinness Book of World Records.

Beware that when going through this attraction, the spooky characters will touch, bury you alive, throw you into a bottomless pit, and get eaten by a 6-foot dragon. 

The age limit is 13 years, and kids are advised to be accompanied by a grown-up. They have also been featured in the Oakland Press, The Discovery Channel, and Detroit News, among many other places–so you know it’s bound to be a killer show!

Some haunted businesses offer giveaways during holidays, such as All Hallows’ Eve, to attract more visitors. 

13th Gate Haunted House

13th Gate Haunted House Logo

The 13th Gate Haunted House is located in Louisiana and is open seven days a week all year round. It was begun by Sanburn in 2001 and gets its name from the 13 themed areas available to visitors. It is quite famous for its ultra-realism and highly detailed displays.

It’s known as the scariest haunted house in Louisiana, and though it has no age restrictions, kids under 12 years are encouraged to be accompanied by their parents.

To bring the spookiness into full effect, this designer uses strobe lights, intense sounds, moving floors, live costumed actors, fog, and sudden movements.

People who are suffering from heart conditions, broken bones, respiratory problems, high blood pressure, pregnancy, and mental health may not enter. This also applies to intoxicated people and those who aren’t physically fit -it’s a long walk through the attraction.

Parents who take their children to the 13th Gate haunting are fully responsible for any accidents their children might suffer.

The house reserves the right to refuse entry, so it’s best to observe the guidelines provided if you’d like to enter.

Though these haunted houses operate all year round, business is particularly booming during the Halloween season.

For all you rookie fright fans looking for work, the best time to start is during holidays like Friday the 13th, Halloween, and Perchtenlaufen (celebrated in Europe). 

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Last updated: November 27, 2024

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