Latest Marc Chaikin Prediction – The ‘Rolling Crash’ of 2025

Last updated: December 20, 2024
Latest Marc Chaikin prediction is all about a “Rolling Crash” that’s still not done yet. If you’ve visited Chaikin Analytics website before, you might have seen the ‘severe’ stock market warning before.
Marc Chaikin supposedly has developed an in-house software that can accurately forecast the market’s direction for the next 90 days and with a decent win rate.
The industry monitor software can tell what industries are poised to perform and what stocks you should get/avoid based on the data.
In this post, we’ll throw some light on what Marc Chaikin views are and if you should consider his associated service, The Chaikin Power Gauge Investor.
Let’s get started.
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Who Is Marc Chaikin
Marc Chaikin is the founder of Chaikin Analytics, a company that specializes in selling software and investment advisory services for handpicking good stocks.
As per the website, Marc has over 40 years of experience in Wall Street. He worked from the 1960s all the way to 2000s, and then came out of retirement in 2011 to launch his own advisory company.
His Power Gauge Rating tool supposedly analyses stocks based on a dozen factors. These can help determine price, financials, technicals and the buzz that’s surrounding the stock including what the experts have to say.
Simply enter a ticker and the tool will give it a rating that can help you make an educated decision on whether or not to buy the stock right now.
No tool or indicator is perfect but one of his creations, Chaikin Money Flow oscillator, that works similarly to a MACD indicator is widely used by many.
The indicator won’t have a 100% win-rate as that’s pretty much impossible but if you use it as a reference point, it can definitely be helpful in finding stocks.
Chaikin Power Gauge Rating Tool
The power gauge rating tool is publicly available on the website that’s free to use. However, if you want to use the more advanced version, you need to shell out some bucks.
Power Gauge Report can be had for anywhere between $49 – $199 and it offers monthly suggestions on both large and mid-cap stocks.
If you wondered, this service is not being pitched in the 2022’s “Rolling Crash” presentation. You instead get pitched what they call the Chaikin Power Gauge Investor, which is a higher-tier advisory service.
Latest Marc Chaikin Predictions
So, what are Marc’s latest predictions?
In the presentation, Marc starts off with a warning that can either save or doom your wealth because of a major market shakeup. The US stock market is not what it was few years before and it would pay to listen and act accordingly.

The markets are in a position where there’s widespread fear & panic, and we’re seeing levels where everyone is assuming a huge market crash is coming up.
That’s not the case, and Marc is not forecasting a total market crash, but rather a crash on a sector-industry level. If you know the do’s and don’ts and understand where to put your money in, you can, in fact, prosper.
As per the video, you need to know the 11 sectors and 21 industry groups. If you pick the right industries, you will do better than most market participants.
Rolling Crash – What Is It?
Rolling crash is a fancy term that suggests the crash (over time) will roll over from an industry to another hitting them in waves.
Essentially, some industries will thrive while others are crashing and this will go on for a while. The reason most people miss this is because we tend to think of the market as a whole and thus, we don’t pay attention to detail.
On the question – how to find the industries that will thrive, Marc suggests there’s no way to know that as no one has a crystal ball. He does talk of an ‘Industry Monitor’ software that can accurately put up an industry forecast.
The monitor software comes at a hefty price tag of $2,500 but it can predict an industry’s performance for the next 90 days with decent accuracy.
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Do you want to earn stable monthly yields (at manageable risks)?
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Industry Monitor – How It Works
The software is built in such a way it detects major shifts in the markets. The monitor uses the same algorithm that’s used by the Power Gauge tool, a screening service that can rate individual stocks.
The monitor instead of focusing on stocks focuses on the entire industry over the next 3 months giving it a neutral, bearish, or bullish rating.
In the Industry Monitor, you also get to see the stocks that are forecasted to overperform/underperform relative to the industry. As a paying member, you get to see what stocks the system recommends buying/selling.
Is Chaikin Power Gauge Investor Legit?
The flagship newsletter service from Chaikin Analytics gets you monthly analysis and the top recommendations for small cap stock picks.
As per the site, it’s a level up from the Power Gauge Report.
At $2,500, it isn’t exactly an affordable service but if you have access to funds and are looking for Chaikin’s top recommendations cum monthly stock market analysis updates, this could be a service you may want to consider.
An Industry Monitor Portfolio is also included as a part of the service. It contains a list of stocks Marc has put together using the Industry Monitor.
You get several bonuses too.
- One year access to Power Gauge Analytics – an advanced version of Chaikin’s stock screening tool.
- One year access to Power Gauge Report – gives monthly mid and large-cap stock picks.
The platform is not a scam but it can be an overkill if you don’t have a sizable budget. There are several free/cheap alternatives that can get the job done, but you will have to connect the missing bits.
The platform doesn’t offer a money-back guarantee either so there’s still some level of risk involved as you can’t cancel the service and opt for a refund.
Moreover, no system is perfect. Forecasting is what it is and there’s no way to guarantee market or industry movements. That’s not how it works and if you don’t thoroughly understand the markets, it’s still a gamble.
If you rely on Marc Chaikin’s predictions alone, you’re in for a rough ride.
Final Words On The Rolling Crash
As per the latest Marc Chaikin prediction, there are industries that will suffer and then there will be some that will thrive in the environment. It’s worth noting it’s still a forecast and there’s no way to guarantee future market movements as no one has access to a crystal ball.
If you have some stock market experience, this could make for a decent companion that can make your stock screening process a breeze. Marc Chaikin’s services are far from being considered a scam.
Marc is legitimate and is considered one of the top experts in the industry. However, most investors who are relatively new to all this can find free/cheap resources elsewhere. It doesn’t make sense to shell out two and a half grand unless you’re well aware of what you’re doing.
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If you’re interested in earning decent yields (at a manageable risk), you should consider Yieldnodes.
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Check out our full Yieldnodes review here.
Yieldnodes shares their past performances and regular reports in the user dashboard. They aim to make a profit from masternoding and not trading. Compared to trading, this makes it less risky.
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