OpinionSquare Review 2025: Is It Safe and Legit?

WFHR EditorWFHR Editor
11 min read
OpinionSquare Website

Making money without prior experience and using only your opinions must be the holy grail of remote earning. After all, why share your views for free when you can get paid for them instead?

Most of us could use the extra opportunity to earn a little cash on the side anyway. Once you start digging, you can find many survey sites available. Most of these survey sites operate based on rewarding you for your views.

OpinionSquare is no different. However, much like any other survey site, you reasonably doubt it. Is OpinionSquare a scam? Is OpinionSquare legit?

OpinionSquare Review

Our OpinionSquare review will cover everything you need to know about the site before you trust it.

Stay with us as we walk you through what OpinionSquare is, how it works, and its pros and cons. Finally, we can decide how safe and legitimate it is.

What Is OpinionSquare?

OpinionSquare is a site owned by comScore and operated by TMRG Inc. In the simplest of terms, it operates as a reward site that pays you for your opinions.

This market research platform values your input on various brands, trends, themes, and movements so that companies can strategize their marketing policies according to consumer demand.

The topics are diverse and varied, including travel, health, retail, etc. You only need to share your opinion in a survey to accumulate points. According to the site, you can redeem your points in the following ways:

  • Cash
  • Valuable prizes and gift cards
  • Entry into their $100,000 sweepstakes

The OpinionSquare community comprises two million members in the US and Canada. As we will see later, some options available to members differ depending on their geography.

The next sections of our OpinionSquare review will focus on understanding how the site works to accurately judge its credibility. Let’s get started.

How Does OpinionSquare Work?

The next focus of our OpinionSquare review would be determining the earning opportunities it offers and how it rewards its members for their participation.

We will also look at all the factors that affect how much money you make from this site.

Earning Opportunities

The first step for understanding how OpinionSquare works is to familiarise yourself with the site’s earning opportunities. For starters, you must remember that OpinionSquare is a market research platform.  What does this mean?

This means that OpinionSquare is interested in determining which trends and marketing strategies work best for its consumers. Your reviews and opinions help brands realign their marketing efforts to reap the maximum rewards.

Therefore, you will notice that the main earning opportunities on OpinionSquare are related to tracking your interests and responses. Let’s look at them in more detail, one at a time.

What Is OpinionSquare

Take Surveys

These surveys are designed to obtain an extensive overview of the public’s thoughts about a particular brand or company. All you need to do is answer the questions truthfully and express your opinion.

Most users receive three to four surveys per month on average. However, as discussed later, you can get more surveys with the proper involvement.

Moreover, the site only offers surveys that fit your profile the best. Therefore, you must meet the qualifications criteria to get the maximum number of surveys sent.

The site ensures that only the intended target audience fills out the surveys.

There are two ways that a survey can pay:

  • In tokens
  • In cash

Cash is preferred for those looking to make simple, easy money. Unfortunately, you cannot pick how each survey pays. The site pre-decides that.

When it comes to tokens, the process is longer. Tokens allow you to play games or watch videos, earning you redeemable points.

Use the OpinionSquare Web Browser Add-On

Another earning opportunity worth mentioning in our OpinionSquare review is web tracking. The site uses the data collected to identify various trends and patterns that can help companies reshape their marketing strategies.

What do you need to do? Just download the OpinionSquare web browser application and start surfing. All you have to do is use the add-on application whenever you have to undertake a web search.

Moreover, you need not worry about privacy violations. The site protects your data well and accesses aggregate data from your activity.

Share Your Television Activity

Similarly, you can share your television activity. This earning opportunity works the same way as the web tracking one. The site gains access to your television activity. This allows companies to determine what channels, ideas, themes, and advertisements get the most traffic and viewership. In return, they can formulate a more appealing marketing plan for their target audience.

As with web tracking, your privacy will be protected, and your details will be kept confidential. The site will only access the aggregate data to conclude.

How to Get More Surveys

As we have mentioned before, the average number of surveys offered to a member is three to four per month. However, you can always get more surveys sent your way with more engagement with the site.

How do you go about doing that? First, the more details you provide and the higher your qualifications, the more surveys you will be fit for. A well-rounded profile is key to qualifying for more surveys.

Secondly, you share more information by allowing the site access to your television and browser activity.

With this additional information, the site can further figure out what kind of target audience you are. You can then receive surveys based on this profile. In short, the more you engage with the site, the more it engages with you.


Next, let’s look at the rewards process.

One of the defining features of OpinionSquare is its generous range of rewards. OpinionSquare offers up to 20,000 different rewards for tasks performed.

As we mentioned before, these rewards can be any of the following:

OpinionSquare uses a system of points to calculate rewards. Whenever you avail of an earning opportunity, you earn some points. These points ultimately add up and reach a minimal limit at which you can redeem them for an equivalent payment.

However, there are still a few catches. Let’s look at the cash option first.

Redeeming Points In Cash

You can only redeem your points for cash in two situations:

  • You take a survey that directly pays you in cash
  • Winning the $100,000 sweepstakes

Apart from these two options, you can only get rewards through vouchers and gift cards. Moreover, whenever you take a survey that pays in cash, you will get your reward within three to four weeks.

As for sweepstakes, the site automatically enrolls you in one every time you take a survey. This automatic enrollment allows you to earn an astounding $100,000.

OpinionSquare Reward

Redeeming Points As Gifts and Gift Cards

In addition to the two options mentioned above, you can redeem your points as gift cards. However, there are specific rules for this.

You must reach a minimum of 1,500 points to request an Amazon e-card of $5. Similarly, to get a $10 gift certificate for Walmart, Amazon, etc., you must reach a minimum limit of 2,500 points.

Therefore, more often than not, you can only reap your rewards through these gift cards. Although a brilliant option for those constantly shopping about and spending this money, it can be inconvenient if you wish to save up.

Moreover, you must also be conscious of the time limit. For example, all the tokens that you convert into points expire quarterly. However, these fast-paced policies make this site useful for managing regular expenses like groceries.

Factors Affecting Your Earning With OpinionSquare

We cannot calculate the average money you can make from this site. This uncertainty results from our inability to account for all the factors that affect your earnings.

However, to do justice to our OpinionSquare review, we will look at these factors and let you decide what you can and cannot manage.

Here are some of the things that affect how much you make with OpinionSquare:

  • The time you invest in the site
  • Degree of participation in the different earning opportunities
  • How well-rounded your profile is
  • Your qualifications
  • Whether you fit the criteria for the target audience or not
  • The number of surveys you get per month

Some of these factors are within your grasp, while others are not. Therefore, you can only truly determine the site’s earning potential once you use it yourself.

How to Sign Up for OpinionSquare

One of the things that impressed us during our OpinionSquare review was the easy interface of the site. The home page welcomes you with a brief description of what the site does and an easy-to-locate sign-up button.

Sign Up for OpinionSquare

The sign-up process is quite simple. You provide some basic information so that the platform can build your profile.

The site will use this information to direct relevant surveys, so make sure you fill it out completely and accurately.

Moreover, the site is accessible to people from countries other than the US and Canada. However, due to geographical factors, your range of rewards might be limited.

Is OpinionSquare Safe?

While conducting this OpinionSquare review, we found no complaints of fraud or scam. Understandably, there were a few complaints of glitches. However, these technical issues are common with an online earning site.

OpinionSquare has been operating for two decades, rewarding people for their opinions and helping companies build effective marketing strategies. The site’s origins and dealings have been transparent for as long as it has been operating.

Therefore, according to our OpinionSquare review, the site is safe. Of course, your success with it depends on multiple factors, including sheer luck, but you can rest assured that it will not result in a scam.

OpinionSquare Review In a Nutshell

Coming to the most awaited part of our OpinionSquare review, let’s look at the site’s pros and cons. With these advantages and disadvantages in mind, you can decide if the site is worth using.

Pros of Using OpinionSquare

Here is a list of all the pros of using OpinionSquare:

  • A wide range of rewards to choose from
  • Some surveys pay in cash
  • Sweepstakes with a very high reward of $100,000
  • BBB accreditation for proof of legitimacy
  • Easy and free sign-up process to gain membership
  • Membership is available in countries other than the US and Canada
  • Easy-to-use and interactive interface
  • You can easily qualify for surveys
  • Opportunity to gain more points via more engagement

However, the site has a downside too.

Cons of Using OpinionSquare

Our OpinionSquare review will only be fair if we shed light on these cons.

Here are some cons of using OpinionSquare:

  • You might need to download the web browser add-on app for the site to work for you
  • Inconsistent rewards
  • Minimal opportunity for rewards in cash
  • High withdrawal limits
  • Tokens expire within the quarter that you receive them
  • Sometimes, customer service is unreliable

The Final Verdict: Is OpinionSquare Legit?

Is OpinionSquare safe

It is finally time to wrap up our OpinionSquare review. We must now answer your question: Is OpinionSquare safe and legit?

Based on our findings, OpinionSquare is a legitimate and safe site. You can use it to make money and receive gifts without worrying about being scammed.

Of course, you may face a few glitches if you are particularly unlucky, but customer service is always at your disposal in those times.

The Bottom Line

With most survey sites, success is always based on a hit-and-trial basis. Therefore, starting with as many sites as possible is wise. With time, you learn what works for you and what does not.

OpinionSquare is a reliable site for navigating how to earn from home. Once you get the hang of it, there is a fair chance you will find it a success. We hope you found our OpinionSquare review helpful.

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Last updated: December 20, 2024

WFHR Editor

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