Can You Really Live Your Dream Life With PlanNet Marketing?

WFHR EditorWFHR Editor
16 min read
Can You Really Live Your Dream Life With PlanNet Marketing?

Some people call it a scam, and some claim you can live your dream and make money while traveling the world with PlanNet marketing. The biz op gets some attention when you look at the offered perks.

Can you get travel discounts and make an earth-shattering amount of money simultaneously? We are skeptical when we see a lot of hype around a product. In this review, we uncover the secrets behind this travel business opportunity.

PlanNet Marketing is a multi-level marketing company that sells hotel reservations and travel packages. It sells genuine vacation packages and pays members on time.

Is this program the best fit for you? Is it worthwhile to participate in this program? Is PlanNet Marketing’s success genuine or a pyramid scheme? Let us give it a try.

PlanNet Marketing Review – A Sneak Peek

plannet marketing

PlanNet Marketing, also known as Planet Marketing, was founded by Don Bradley, who had long been active in network and multi-level marketing.

They have also collaborated with InteleTravel as part of their MLM business opportunity, which allows their members to earn money by selling travel deals to potential clients. The two companies joined hands soon after, and as a result, the business opportunity aspect of this business came into existence.

You can become a Plannet Marketing travel agent and sell discounted travel/tour deals, buy some for yourself, or send referrals to the company so they sign up as a distributor (like you).

The deals include vacation discounts, hotels, resorts, cruises, car rentals, and airplane tickets. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can do a combination of everything and truly light it up and skyrocket your earning potential.

What do the PlanNet Marketing Products entail?

PlanNet Marketing is a service-based company. And it does not have a tangible product. Instead, it provides cheap travel services through InteleTravel, a travel booking network launched in 1992 by James Ferrara.

PlanNet Marketing items InteleTravel sells include airline tickets, auto rentals, and hotel and resort reservations. They also offer luxurious packages such as vacations, cruises, and weddings.

Who Is The Founder Of PlanNet Marketing?

Who Owns PlanNet Marketing

PlanNet Marketing was founded by Andy Cauthen and Don Bradley. Don Bradley is the CEO, while Cauthen is the president and chief financial officer. They both have experience in marketing and business, having had their own business before founding PlanNet Marketing.

Regardless of their questionable pasts, Don and Andy are now successful network marketers. They are well-versed in the knowledge, expertise, and talents required to operate Travel MLM Companies.

How Plan Net Marketing Works

PlanNet Marketing is an added multi-level marketing layer on top of the travel company. To make money with the program, you must take one of the following ways:

  • Sign up as an InteleTravel Agent (ITA) and bring sales
  • Become an affiliate and get people to join the biz op through you, earning commissions on their sales.

It’s worth noting that PlanNet marketing doesn’t sell anything, but InteleTravel does. Instead, you can directly sign up with the latter as an agent and make commissions on your sales. With the former, the only difference is that you’re eligible to earn commissions on your multi-level downlines.

To be an ITA, you must pay a one-time fee of $179.95 and then $39.95 monthly. You can earn 70 – 80% commissions on the referrals you bring and $50 for recruiting other agents.

See Related: WAH Program Review 

What is the Cost of joining PlanNet Marketing?

Join as Plannet Marketing Representative

To become a Plannet Marketing Representative, the start-up costs only $19.95. You will also pay a monthly administration fee of $19.95.

The features you will acquire in joining as a Plannet Marketing representative include having a personalized Plannet Marketing replicated website, direct sales commission on ITA sales, and a 90-day refund policy, among others.

If you want to become a PlanNet Rep and own your InteleTravel business, you must first join as a Plannet Representative. You will receive an email with your Rep account’s website name and login information. And you can proceed to your Rep’s Virtual Office website and purchase your ITA.

Is the PlanNet Marketing Compensation Plan worth the monthly fees?

As previously stated, you can earn money as a PlanNet Marketing representative in two ways. You’ll earn commissions by selling travel-related products through InteleTravel (retail) and establishing a network of Independent InteleTravel Agents (recruitment).

InteleTravel Advisor Commission

1. Retailing Commissions

InteleTravel will receive commissions ranging from 14% to 28% on each travel-related service sold to customers, depending on the offering. The remainder of the proceeds is distributed to PlanNet Marketing and its suppliers. You, the ITA who sold the products, will receive 70% of the 14% to 28% fee.

For example, suppose you sold a $1,000 reduced trip package with InteleTravel’s base commission of 28%.

$1,000 x 0.28 (28%) = $280

As a result of this single transaction, InteleTravel earned $280. In contrast, you will receive 70% of the $280.

Your retail commission for selling the $1,000 goods under the key parameters will be $280 x 0.7 = $196. You will also earn commissions on the products your recruits sell and whenever a new ITA joins InteleTravel with you as the sponsor (recruiter).

2. Recruiting Commission

With the PlanNet Marketing compensation plan, there are methods to make more money through recruiting people.

You have to be prepared to acquire a large number of people for this business opportunity because that’s the only way you’ll be able to earn the following commissions:

2.1 InteleTravel Agents Commissions

You can earn $50 for each InteleTravel Agent you sign up for. This commission has no ceiling, so the more individuals you can persuade to become an ITA, the more money you’ll make.

2.2 50% Matching Bonus

Intele travel commission

When your recruited ITA recruits a new ITA under your organization, you will receive a 50% matching bonus. (The person you recruit recruits someone else)

Your recruit will receive $50 for each new ITA enrolled, and you will earn $25.

2.3 Residual Commissions

residual income

To pay for this commission, PlanNet Marketing employs a forced 39 matrix.

You are at the top of the wage scale, with three people behind you. Every one of those people is also permitted to have three people directly beneath them, up to a maximum of nine levels.

Each job in the matrix will be filled by recruiting new InteleTravel Agents, who will pay a monthly fee of $39.95. You will earn $4 for each slot every time these users beneath you renew their monthly charge.

2.4 Team Bonus (Gold Builder)

This commission has a different pay structure known as a UniLevel MLM compensation plan. You will be placed at the top of UniLevel, while all your recruits will be just beneath you (level 1). Your recruits’ invites will be placed beneath them (level 2), and so on.

You must recruit and retain 9 InteleTravel Agents to obtain the Gold Builder Bonus.

You will receive a $10 override commission for each InteleTravel affiliate membership sold in your team, up to 6 layers deep.

2.5 Director Bonus

Override commissions will be paid to PlanNet Marketing representatives who recruit and retain a certain number of InteleTravel Agents each month.

  • 1 Star Director – 100 ITAs awards you an extra $500 each month
  • $1000/month for a 2-star director with 300 ITAs.
  • $2000/month for a three-star director with 500 ITAs.
  • 4 Star Director – 1500 ITas per month, $5000
  • 5-star director with 4000 ITAs and a monthly salary of $10,000
  • 6 Star Director – 10,000 ITAs each month, $16,000
  • 7-star director with 25,000 ITAs and a monthly salary of $30,000
  • 8-star director with 50,000 ITAs and a monthly salary of $50,000
  • 9-Star Director – 100,000 ITAs/month

2.6 Rank Achievement Bonus

These are one-time bonuses awarded when you reach a certain level in the PlanNet Marketing affiliate hierarchy or earn a monthly commission.

  • Obtain the 5-Star Director – Rolex watch
  • Make $8,333 per month – Sapphire ring
  • Ruby ring – $20,833/month
  • $41,667 per month – Diamond ring
  • $83,333 per month – Diamond ring

There was no statement of the size or carat weight of the gemstones on each ring, so I can’t estimate their worth.

PlanNet Marketing, as Don states, has an “Aggressive” compensation scheme.

I suppose it’s true if he means you must be aggressive in recruiting individuals to make a reasonable living.

While you can make money by selling travel services through InteleTravel, you will also make more money by recruiting new ITAs for your team. You won’t make much money or last long if you can’t establish a large network of InteleTravel Agents under your team.

How much money can you make using PlanNet Marketing?

With all the figures above, I can’t blame you for thinking that spending $60 per month isn’t that awful when your revenue potential with PlanNet Marketing is so high.

Hold on to that concept for a moment.

Here is the most recent income disclosure from the company.

Income Disclosure

As you can see, in 2021, 92.17% of people who joined PlanNet marketing only had an average annual income of $44.54.

The majority of people make less than $10 per month! Is this the kind of life-changing money you’re looking for?

Furthermore, PlanNet Marketing discloses in the same paper that 77.73% of total representatives did not make a penny. As in zero!

Income Disclosure Additional Statement

Remember, these users who did not earn money have been paying administrative costs of $59.90 monthly!!!

They did not make money with PlanNet Marketing and lost money. Who knows how long they attempted to make this thing function? Imagine someone trying to make it work for a full year and spending more than $700.

Is PlanNet Marketing a Scam?

Businesses that solely (or mostly) rely on recruiting people to fall under ‘pyramid schemes’ as per the Federal Trade Commission/FTC. PlanNet Marketing definitely bases a lot on bringing other agents onto the system.

Firstly, PlannetMarketing will cost you an arm and a leg to be an agent with the company. Secondly, the payment plans aren’t very promising (including the $50 one-time you receive on referrals).

If you leave all that aside, the fact that they use a multi-level marketing model, which heavily relies on recruiting people, doesn’t make the business future-proof. The FTC can always intervene and make them overhaul the system or take it down entirely.

A very few percent of people make decent money with MLM systems, and it’s not for the average Joe. Most people struggle with MLM and hardly make $1000 yearly, let alone per month. If recruiting is your thing, then that’s a different story altogether.

Who Is It Intended For?

PlanNet Marketing Business Card

It is intended for those with previous expertise in the multi-level marketing industry. Those with experience recruiting and selling trip packages are also invited to apply.

It is a fantastic alternative for individuals to make money online in an MLM company. With the PlanNet Marketing Mobile app, you can quickly communicate, build, and manage your company’s marketing activities.

How many countries does PlanNet Marketing operate in?

Plannet marketing global

A PlanNet representative will market and sell the InteleTravel Product to individuals who want to turn their passion for travel into a flexible income potential and reward source.

Many InteleTravel customers and Travel Agents in the United States and 40 other countries have discovered the key to a stress-free trip. As a result, the Agent’s social circle grows and acquires new skills.

Is PlanNet Marketing a Trustworthy Business Opportunity?

The concept of “Leverage” that PlanNet Marketing employs in its business is sensible. In reality, all MLM companies use the same concept. For those who are unfamiliar with the term, it refers to:

  • Leverage – Building a sales team – Recruitment

Yes, leverage in MLM means recruiting people, and don’t get me wrong—there is nothing wrong with that. However, the Federal Trade Commission created a clear line between a genuine MLM and a pyramid scheme.

According to the FTC, if a distributor’s principal source of income is from selling the products/services, there is no need to be concerned.

Otherwise, you may be a victim of a pyramid scheme.  On the good side, anyone, including non-members, can purchase PlanNet Marketing travel services through InteleTravel.

This clearly indicates that reps have other options for earning money outside recruiting. But now comes the tricky part.

While it is true that PlanNet Marketing, via InteleTravel, pays you commissions when a product is sold, higher commissions depend on recruitment.

For example, the InteleTravel Agent Bonus and 50% Matching Bonus compensate you directly by bringing in a new employee. There is no product sold here because you only offer an InteleTravel membership.

And, if you look at the company’s incentive structure, you’ll notice that most residual commissions are based on the number of individuals on your team rather than the volume of product sales to customers.


  • Travel discounts are accessible to you and your guests.
  • The founder has a strong track record of accomplishment in network marketing.
  • You can earn money by supporting others in their efforts to save money.
  • It is a legitimate organization that allows anyone to become a home-based business owner, especially those interested in travel-related services.
  • An income disclosure statement is provided; it is important information that will allow you to make an informed decision based on facts.
  • It has a 90 satisfaction guarantee on all initial costs, and other payments are refundable within 30 days.


  • The startup expenditures are considerable, and the monthly membership fee is significantly more.
  • Recruitment is essential to your ability to earn a living.
  • The majority of people did not profit from the endeavor.
  • Business plan with a pyramid-like structure.
  • Everyone isn’t made out for the business world.

PlanNet Marketing Alternatives

CompanyBusiness ModelProducts/ServicesCompensation PlanStartup Costs
PlanNet MarketingMulti-level marketing (MLM)Travel packages, membershipsCommissions, bonuses$19.95 – $99.95
WorldVenturesMulti-level marketing (MLM)Travel packages, membershipsCommissions, bonuses$99 – $999
ExpediaOnline travel agencyTravel bookings, packagesN/ANone
Booking.comOnline travel agencyTravel bookings, packagesN/ANone
AirbnbOnline marketplaceAccommodations, experiencesN/ANone

Should You Participate in PlanNet Marketing?

With this organization, everyone has the “same potential to succeed,” but why do over 97% fail to make a decent living? To succeed, network marketing requires a specific set of talents, attributes, and expertise.

For example, while Don describes this business opportunity as “high paying,” I believe it is better suited to persons with experience in the tourism industry.

But it does not stop there. Booking a trip or a hotel is a delicate subject, and people will not completely trust someone they meet online.

You’ll need persuading abilities and credibility so that others will trust you. You should consider that, with today’s Internet and technology, booking a trip is no longer complicated.

For example, many people (including myself) are planning their vacations, so why do they need travel brokers like you?

You might tell them you have the “best offers” or “best discounts.” However, as you may know, PlanNet Marketing and InteleTravel are not the only companies offering such deals.

And to make it clear, I’m not arguing that you cannot attain your growth targets with this enterprise. (However, almost 97% have already failed.) I’m just giving you a taste of what it’ll be like after you join PlanNet Marketing.

My Final Verdict On Plannet Marketing

If you enjoy traveling and want to establish your home-based travel agency, this could be the business for you. But I don’t see the potential in this endeavor.

And it’s those pitiful profits that are reflected in their income disclosure statement. Of course, I don’t know your perspective, and you might be the exception who can make this work. So, if you believe you can, go for it. However, this is not an enterprise I would suggest to anyone, especially when you have better alternatives like Work from Home Moms or jobs offered on FlexJobs.

If you enjoy traveling, you don’t have to join an MLM company and spend time marketing and recruiting people to help you expand your business. And you don’t have to be a travel agent to start a successful home-based business in the travel industry. You may create your travel blog with ease.

You can also monetize your website through affiliate marketing connections with any travel provider. It’s also acceptable if you don’t enjoy traveling. You may create a successful online affiliate marketing business based on your interest, hobby, or passion.

So if you’re interested in making money online, check out our top recommendation instead. It utilizes the affiliate marketing business model.

Click Here for Our #1 Recommendation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Where is the headquarters of PlanNet Marketing?

PlanNet Marketing is based in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Who are PlanNet Marketing’s main competitors?

Pate Enterprises, Heritage Advertising, and eMarketing360 are some alternatives and potential competitors to PlanNet Marketing.

Related Resources

Last updated: November 27, 2024

WFHR Editor

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