Can You Create Authority Websites in Minutes With SiteSwift?

By WFHR Editor

If you are an affiliate marketer and use WordPress for your websites, you would know there are a lot of themes and plugins in the marketplace to choose from. There would be some you can’t live without, some decent, and some total junk that you won’t install as a last resort.

SiteSwift or Site Swift is a newly launched plugin that claims to pump out authority websites based on your preferred keyword in minutes. It’s our pick for this review based on demand from our readers. Read on to find out if it’s legit or a scam and if it’s worth your time and money.

SiteSwift Review

Site Swift is a WordPress-based plugin that claims to generate money-making authority websites in no time. The product creator, Andrew Naser goes on to say you don’t need to run any ads, no need to wait to get paid and that his method is 100% risk-free.

He’s a software engineer with a decade of experience in programming and claims to be a veteran in the space. In his words, his software can achieve the following with ease:

  • Bombard your affiliate links with free traffic
  • Rank with some magical ‘quick rank technology’ – no waiting times for receiving commissions
  • Create the content on your behalf in minutes
  • Create an authority site that will create content on its ‘own.’
  • No need to monitor anything; everything is automated
  • Fast results
  • Monetize with Google AdSense, CPA, ClickBank, or any network you choose.

How It Works

The software involves four steps to create your own authority website. Things don’t look too good here, but we’ll see.

  1. Enter the keyword of your choice (in your niche), and the software will pump out a site on its own (by copying and re-writing other people’s content).
  2. It will then create content on your behalf using long-tail keywords so it’s always relevant and unique (it won’t really create anything, it will scrape because that’s what software is supposed to do!).
  3. The program will then insert your affiliate links in select places for monetization (ok).
  4. Get free traffic by sharing them on social media regularly (YES, spam all your friends and family and hope for sales!).

Here’s the Catch

If you share the features with someone who knows what they are doing, they will have a good laugh. This isn’t 2010 anymore. Suppose the software can create high-quality content and maintain it on autopilot. Why do you think are real authority websites still investing a lot of time and money in creating & updating their content?

These so-called automated tools don’t write content; they simply scrape it from article directories like Ezine and re-write it for you to use. Not only will the article’s quality be inferior, it may also contain grammatical errors and references to trademarked images/videos which are someone else’s property.

On his sales page, he says SEO didn’t work for him and that his rankings dropped after 24 hours. Anyone who understands search engine optimization one bit knows it’s a long-term game plan and if your rankings drop a little over the next few days, that doesn’t mean anything at all.

SiteSwift  Sales Pitch

It takes time to rank on Google and establish your authority in a niche, and it’s anything but overnight riches as some of these so-called ‘gurus’ spew on their websites. 

It’s quite apparent he didn’t really try at all here. Every traffic source works provided you put in the work and make it work for you. Same with FB ads too; it depends on your market and targeting and involves rigorous testing to achieve results.

It’s funny how he claims you can make instant commissions with his so-called ‘authority’ sites and that you can get unlimited free traffic to your websites instantly and then contradicts himself by saying Quick Cash Methods are saturated! Not only is the product useless, the claims revolving around it tell the entire story.

SiteSwift  Quick Cash Methods

Programs like these rarely work, and even if they do (spit out gibberish content), it won’t make you a dime because no one will ever read it. It shares similar characteristics with CB Automator which is another bunk program out there.

Spamming your friends on social media is a very bad way to do business. You will have a hard time making money, which will be very short-term. This totally contradicts how ‘authority’ websites really work.

Click Here for Our #1 Recommendation

Is Site Swift a Scam?

No, SiteSwift can’t be considered a scam. You pay for the plugin and receive the software product. It isn’t the best one out there, but it’s a product/service regardless. The fact that it doesn’t work very well is another story. From creating gibberish content to spamming on social media (sharing posts on Facebook) to deceiving money claims, we can’t find anything with the product which is worthy of a mention.

It does come with a 30-day money-back guarantee if you want to try it, but we can tell before you go ahead and buy it – it won’t work, plain and simple. You must position yourself as an authority, be legitimate, and stick to healthy promotional methods instead of spamming everywhere. For an authority website, its reputation in front of its audience is everything, and it will do anything but risk losing it by resorting to deceiving methods SiteSwift suggests.

If you really want to build authority websites, you must be willing to put in the work and reap the rewards (in the long run). Definitely check out our top recommendation for working from home; the training teaches just that and has created multiple 5-figure earners over the last few years.

It focuses on affiliate marketing which is among some of the most profitable business models today. We like it for the time and location freedom it provides.

Truth be told, so you have the right expectations – it’s far from being 100% automated; you must treat it like a real business. It will require time and constant efforts from your end to get results from the training program. If you are ready to change your life for the better, go for it!

Click Here for Our #1 Recommendation

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