Freelance Rate Comparison Calculator

Compare rates across top platforms and find the best opportunities for your skills

Rate Calculator

How are freelance rates calculated?

Our calculator considers multiple factors including your experience level, skill category, cost of living area, and available working hours. We analyze real market data from leading platforms to provide accurate rate recommendations.

Which freelance platforms have the lowest fees?

Platform fees vary significantly. Upwork charges 5-20% (sliding scale), Fiverr takes 20% flat fee, and charges 10% or $5, whichever is greater. Consider these fees when setting your rates to maintain your target income.

How can I increase my freelance rates?

To command higher rates: 1) Develop specialized skills in your field, 2) Build a strong portfolio and client testimonials, 3) Focus on high-value platforms and clients, 4) Offer packaged services, and 5) Regularly update your skills and market knowledge.