
Freelance Hourly Rate Calculator

Calculate your optimal freelance rate and get matched with the best platforms for your skills and experience level.

Rate Calculator



Your Recommended Hourly Rate


Annual Hours


Monthly Potential


Market Position


How do I calculate my freelance hourly rate?

To calculate your freelance hourly rate, consider your desired annual income, business expenses, platform fees, non-billable time, and days off. Our calculator factors in these variables to determine a sustainable rate that covers your costs and profit goals.

What should I charge as a beginner freelancer?

Based on market research, beginner freelancers typically charge: - Web Development: $25-50/hour - Design: $20-45/hour - Writing: $15-35/hour - Marketing: $20-45/hour - Consulting: $30-60/hour However, rates can vary based on your specific skills, location, and target market.

How do platform fees affect my hourly rate?

Platform fees (typically 5-20%) should be factored into your rate calculation. For example, if your target rate is $50/hour and the platform charges 20%, you'll need to charge $62.50/hour to maintain your desired income after fees.

About This Calculator

Our freelance rate calculator helps you determine competitive and sustainable hourly rates based on industry standards, your experience level, and business costs. We analyze data from leading freelance platforms to provide accurate rate recommendations and platform matches. Updated for 2025 market rates.