Traffic Secrets Review – Is It the Ultimate Shortcut To Generating More Web Traffic?

By WFHR Editor

Web traffic is the lifeline of any internet-based business. Be it an e-commerce store or a food blog or a video streaming website. Without getting visitors to your web properties, you certainly won’t do very well. This is among one the biggest challenges webmasters face.

ClickFunnels co-founder Russell Brunson saw an opportunity and launched a course named Traffic Secrets to tackle this. It claims to be the ultimate solution if you struggle to get visitors to your website(s). It can also supposedly help you with conversions.

This review covers a lot of ground and aims to answer questions you may have. With that out of the way, let’s dive right in.

What Are Traffic Secrets?

Traffic secrets webpage

The course was launched by Russell (originally created by John Reese) to help people get more web traffic (visitors) to their sites. It contains a handful of tips that if implemented can work wonders for your site.

John has had a solid track record in online marketing. He’s known for generating over a million dollars in sales within 24 hours. Russell throws some light on John Reese’s strategies/tips in the course and has re-launched the original content with some added bells and whistles.

The following explainer video contains a brief introduction to the product. With more visits to your website, you automatically increase your chances of getting sales in your business. There are a lot of options to choose from – you can run ads or promote other people’s products or sell some of your own. The sky is the limit when it comes to monetization.

You can definitely find a lot of information for FREE from platforms like YouTube, but what Traffic Secrets teaches is priceless. A lot of golden nuggets can be found in the course.

The fact that you get to learn from both Russell Brunson and John Reese who possess decades of marketing experience makes it totally worth it. Instead of reinventing the wheel, it’s often a better idea to learn from people who have been there before.

Getting Started

As of this writing, Traffic Secrets is only offered as an up-sell (upgrade) with Funnel Builder Secrets and One Funnel Away (OFA) Challenge. However, there’s a standalone book that is available on for purchase.

A Closer Look

The course is distributed into multiple sections. It starts with an introduction video, which sets you off on the right path, and covers the things you’ll be learning.

Following are some of the topics which are covered in the course.

  • Setting realistic goals via documentation.
  • Getting the website ready – includes domain name selection and web design. User experience is key, and TS will certainly be a great help.
  • Proper targeting via Google Analytics – the basics of Analytics are covered in the course. If you’d like to master the topic, the course comes with a handful of bonuses you’d find useful.
  • Using misc tools & scripts – Usage of Google Tag Manager is one of the main ones; it can help you pinpoint your web pages and determine the performance individually. It’s often a good idea to get to the root of the problem if you’re interested in an investigation.
  • Conducting surveys/polls among your audience.
  • Making the most out of Google trends.
  • Using the correct hashtags on your web properties.
  • Spying on competitors (ethically) via the following.
  • Producing high-quality content that your audience will fall in love with – this is one of the few topics which is overlooked by many. Unless you create engaging content, you’ll have a hard time.

Verdict – Is Traffic Secrets Worth It?

It sure is. Even if you have an established website, it’s still not a bad idea to gather new information. You should have a never-ending pursuit of acquiring knowledge. That’s what all successful people do to stay on top of their game. With online marketing it’s no different.

On the other hand, if you’re a beginner, you’d greatly benefit from Traffic Secrets. It will definitely make your job a lot easier since you’d be implementing proven tips to skyrocket your online business.

Considering everything, there’s no reason for you not to give Traffic Secrets a shot.

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