5 Reasons to Hire A Graphic Designer for Your Logo

By WFHR Editor

There is a saying that there is never a second chance to make a first impression. A logo is one first impression, and the reasons for hiring a graphic designer are below. 

Therefore, it is important for every company to make sure they make a strong first impression on business partners, clients, and potential employees. 

Because most people form an impression of a brand in a matter of a few seconds, it is important to make those seconds count.

Often, the first impression someone has of a business is its logo. It is important for companies to make sure their logo makes a good impression on whoever sees it. 

Pink and gold alarm clock with attached scales and balancing coins on pink background

If you run a small business, there are several key reasons to hire a graphic designer to help you with your logo.

There are graphic design websites where you can find freelance graphic designers to work for you on your logo. And you’ll look for the best who can cater to your needs.

If you are wondering, “why hire a professional graphic designer,” there are a few important reasons to note. A few of the top reasons to hire a graphic designer include:

1. If You Want a Professional Image, Use a Professional Graphic Designer

You have put a lot of time and effort into ensuring that your business is an authority in the field. You have tried to learn everything you can about the industry, put in a lot of hard work, and have taken the time to become an expert in the field.

Therefore, your business gives off a professional essence when someone uses your products and services; however, no one will get the chance to use your products and services if you do not professionally brand your business. 

If you want to ensure that the first image someone has of your business is a professional one, you need to invest in professional branding, particularly if this is not part of your own skillset.

Just as you have put in a lot of time and effort to become an expert in your field, graphic designers have worked just as hard to become leading experts in their own field.

Therefore, you know they are going to do a better job when it comes to designing your logo because they have years of experience along with a proven track record.

That is exactly what you will find if you access the graphic design talent pool from Solidgigs. Using this platform, you will work with some of the most experienced graphic design professionals in the world.

When you make the decision to hire a professional logo designer, you are working with a graphic design professional. They are dedicated to your overall brand’s success and will ensure that your logo has a professional look.

That way, everyone who sees your logo will decide to give your business a chance. Then, they will experience your high-quality products and services and become a repeat customer.

That is how you can grow that business that you have worked so hard to build from the ground up. It is also best to check on the best freelancer websites and hire someone from that site to provide you your desired logo.

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2. A Professional Graphic Designer Will Provide You With Multiple, Consistent Options

why hire a professional graphic designer

If you run a small business today, you know you need to take advantage of everything the internet has to offer.

It is no secret that the Internet allows companies to reach four times more people than a typical brick-and-mortar store; however, multiple studies have shown that online sales will soon surpass brick-and-mortar stores.

Therefore, you need to consider how your company can design a logo that looks good on the Internet.

Sure, if you have an established business, you probably already have a beautiful logo on your front door outside of your office.

On the other hand, just because a logo looks good in person does not mean it will look good on a desktop computer, a laptop computer, or a mobile device.

Particularly with a mobile device’s scrunched screen, numerous logos that look great outdoors do not look good on this tiny screen.

With multiple studies also showing that voice searches are going to play an important role in internet sales in the future, you need to make sure that you have a logo that will look good no matter where it is displayed. 

This is another area where graphic designers can help you. Graphic designers know that some logos that look great outdoors do not look right on screens.

Of course, the reverse is also true. It is the job of a professional graphic designer to make sure that you have consistent brand representation across all platforms.

Therefore, he or she will work hard to ensure that your clients and customers can always locate you. This means ensuring that your logo looks good on an email, a mobile device, a desktop computer, or your front door.

This is one of the key reasons when it comes to hiring a professional graphic designer. If you use a platform such as Toptal, you will have access to digital graphic design specialists who can bid on your project and share their experience with you.

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3. A Professional Graphic Designer Knows What’s Been Done Already

why hire a professional graphic designer

Of course, it should come as no surprise that countless logos have already been designed. Despite this, the vast majority of people will recognize only a small subset of those logos in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, you certainly don’t want to try to create a logo yourself only to figure out that another company has already used your logo.

Many people would be surprised at how often this happens. Because most people who design a logo are using something as a source of inspiration, they may subconsciously use a logo they have already seen.

Then, they simply end up replicating a logo that has already been done before. Some of the key problems this can create include:

  • If a logo you design looks too similar to a logo that has already been trademarked, you might end up with a lawsuit on your hands due to trademark or copyright infringement 
  • If the logo that you have designed looks too similar to another brand, then you may end up funneling all of your traffic to that brand 
  • There is a chance that you might simply be recreating a logo that failed miserably the first time, leading to the same results for your company 

When you decide to hire a graphic designer, you are delegating not only the design process that also the research that goes into a logo.

A graphic designer has tremendous experience regarding the logos that exist today. They understand what’s hot and what’s not and how to make sure they are not giving you a logo that looks too similar to another company that already exists.

You want to ensure that the logo conveys the message of your business and the uniqueness of the products and services you provide.

If you decide to use a professional platform such as 99designs, you can speak with potential graphic designers ahead of time about the ideas they have for your logo.

Some clients are asking which platform has the best graphic designer? Is it 99Designs or Fiverr?

Well, you’ll never know what the person is capable of until you hire them. And see the work that they have done yourself.

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4. A Professional Graphic Designer Will Keep You In Total Control

Hire Graphic Designer

There is a delicate balance that comes with working with a professional graphic designer. While a graphic designer may be responsible for developing your logo, it is still your company.

Therefore, a professional graphic designer is going to work hand-in-hand with you to make sure that you have input and everything that happens.

Nothing will happen without your say because a professional graphic designer will collaborate with you.

Sure, a professional graphic designer takes a tremendous amount of pride and hard work, just as you do in yours. Remember that the reputation of your graphic designer is also on the line.

Therefore, they want their work to reflect their expertise, which comes partly from working with you.

As a result, their artistic freedom will never outshine what you need for your business. In order to make sure that your logo is an accurate reflection of your business, some of the questions he or she may ask you include: 

  • What does your business do? 
  • Which values does your business hold dear? 
  • What are the demographics of your target market? 
  • How long has your company been in business? 
  • Do you foresee the products and services that your business provides changing in the near future? 

In the end, the logo that your company decides to design will be a balance between your vision and the vision of the graphic designer. Therefore, it is important to look at some of the logos that the graphic designer has done in the past.

That way, you can get a feel for the work they do and make sure that it aligns with the vision you have for your business. One of the top sites that you can use to locate a graphic designer is called Fiverr.

Using this platform, you can get a feel for their work before you start. You may get the best logo designer for your business and style needs.

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5. A Professional Graphic Designer Is Worth the Money

Finally, you are probably trying to find a way to reduce your overhead expenses. With this in mind, you might be hesitant to spend more money on your company’s branding.

You might wonder, ” How much does it cost to hire a graphic designer?” and think that you can save money by doing this yourself.

At the same time, if you run a business, your primary objective is to make money, correct? 

Having a strong, recognizable logo can bring in a lot of extra money for your company. Brand loyalty is critical, particularly when it comes to bringing back customers and clients. Brand loyalty starts with having a strong logo that accurately represents your company.

Remember that the vast majority of people will decide whether or not to spend money with your brand in seconds.

As a result, you need to let your customers know your company is worth it. The better your logo is, the better the overall presentation and professionalism of your company. This is one of the biggest reasons to hire a graphic designer.

A professional graphic designer will be able to accurately portray the message of your business.

With a professional logo, you are going to be able to make a positive impression on everyone who sees it.

If you are still wondering, “why hire a professional graphic designer,” the answer is that this can help you make money. 

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Frequently Asked Questions About Hiring a Graphic Designer

There are a few common questions that people have about hiring a graphic designer. These include: 

What does a graphic designer do?

A graphic designer is usually someone who has a strong educational background in both physical and digital creative arts. A graphic designer is going to work with you on whatever your marketing projects might be. This could include everything from logo design to digital marketing and even brick-and-mortar marketing as well.

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How much does it cost to hire a graphic designer to work on my logo?

If you are wondering, “how much does it cost to hire a graphic designer,” the answer is that it depends. Some graphic designers are going to charge by the hour while other graphic designers will charge a flat rate.

The good news is that you will be able to negotiate all of these expenses before you get started.

Work with a professional graphic designer and make sure there is an understanding of how much the project is going to cost before it gets started. 

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How long will it take to complete a logo if I use a graphic designer?

One key reason to hire a graphic designer is that they will expedite this process. However, many factors will determine how long it will take to complete the design process.

Your graphic designer wants to make sure that they put their best foot forward every time. On the other hand, if you are on a time crunch come and make sure you specify this ahead of time.

You can also check Designhill and Design Crowd. These two platforms are online graphic design marketplaces. You can get great ideas from here that will suit your business needs.

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